Happy Mardi Gras
The "Other" Blues Brothers
Mobile DJ Service
(337) 217-2300
Photos by John Landry and Mark Russell
>>>For those of you wanting to put these pictures on My Space, Facebook, etc.,
just double click on the pic and it should open it in a new window allowing you to copy and then paste it wherever you want to put it!<<<
If you like it or don't like it or have problems with it then PLEASE let us know with an e-mail to webmaster@obbdj.com.
There are a total of 440 pictures to scroll through on this page.
We Have Pictures on FACEBOOK!
Click the banner to go to our Facebook Page.
We're going to use Facebook to notify everyone when the new pages are up and
in the Facebook photos section we will put all the birthday, bachelorette, newlyweds, etc. pictures from 2010!
HAPPY Mardi Gras!!
Ladies Night at The Wharf
Monday-Friday from 7-11pm
Complimentary Draft Beer For All Unescorted Ladies
Birthday Beer Bucket
Did you know that at The Wharf, if it's your birthday, you get a complimentary bucket of beers with a valid I.D.
and we will give you a pair of OBB sunglasses and take your picture for our webpage !
Click on the Thumbnail below that you want to view and then use your browser's back button to return to this page!
Outgoing King & Queen: John & Jackie Eastabrook
King Simplique II and Queen: Albert & Ginger Lumpkins
If you have any questions, comments or problems on this page contact webmaster@obbdj.com
Copyright © 2012 by
The Other Blues Brothers
Mobile DJ Service
All Rights Reserved.